La Joya

All about Mexico

Mexico Facts | Puebla | Tochtepec | Up to 100 citizens | La Joya

La Joya

La Joya is located in the Mexican state of Puebla in the municipality of Tochtepec.

Located at an altitude of 1980 meters, La Joya is home for 76 inhabitants. About 51.32 percent of the local population are adults. While the medium quantity of years at school is 5 years, there are still about 8 persons who dont know write or read.

0 people are of indigenous origin and a total of 0 individuals older than 5 years still speak an indigenous language.

The longitude of La Joya is -97.809722, the latitude is 18.853611.

The website offers additional information about La Joya in spanish language at La Joya, Puebla.

La Joya Map

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