
All about Mexico

Mexico Facts | México | Huixquilucan


The municipality of Huixquilucan is located in the Mexican state of México. Huixquilucan is populated by 224042 inhabitants.

About 58.93 percent of the population in Huixquilucan are adults older than 18 years. People visit the schools 10 years, but the quote of analphabets is still around 2.4 percent, equal to 5440 individuals.

7310 inhabitants are indigenous people and 3549 individuals older than 5 years speak an indigenous language.

Huixquilucan Localities

Largest cities in Huixquilucan

Barrio de Canales - Population: 1348

Cerro de San Francisco - Population: 1523

Dos Ríos - Population: 3478

El Cerrito - Population: 1388

El Hielo - Population: 3176

El Palacio - Population: 1114

Huixquilucan de Degollado - Population: 9200

Ignacio Allende - Population: 1858

Jesús del Monte - Population: 19113

La Glorieta - Population: 1213

Llano Grande (San Miguel Llano Grande) - Population: 1178

Magdalena Chichicaspa - Population: 11088

Naucalpan de Juárez - Population: 118181

Paraje el Mirador - Population: 2311

Paraje la Pera - Population: 1176

Paraje Trejo (El Chaparral) - Population: 1047

San Bartolomé Coatepec - Population: 4460

San Cristóbal Texcalucan - Population: 3038

San Francisco Ayotuzco - Population: 3276

San Jacinto - Population: 1880

San Juan Yautepec - Population: 3664

Santa Cruz Ayotuzco - Population: 4263

Santiago Yancuitlalpan - Population: 9592

Zacamulpa - Population: 6465

Map with the largest cities in the municipality of Huixquilucan