
All about Mexico

Mexico Facts | Chiapas | Villaflores


The municipality of Villaflores is located in the Mexican state of Chiapas. Villaflores is populated by 93023 inhabitants.

About 59.42 percent of the population in Villaflores are adults older than 18 years. People visit the schools 6 years, but the quote of analphabets is still around 12.1 percent, equal to 11244 individuals.

2592 inhabitants are indigenous people and 1669 individuals older than 5 years speak an indigenous language.

Villaflores Localities

Largest cities in Villaflores

Agrónomos Mexicanos - Population: 1212

Benito Juárez - Population: 3383

Cristóbal Obregón - Population: 4345

Cuauhtémoc - Population: 2883

Dieciséis de Septiembre - Population: 1039

Doctor Domingo Chanona - Population: 2489

Francisco Villa - Population: 1271

Guadalupe Victoria (Lázaro Cárdenas) - Population: 3124

Ignacio Zaragoza - Population: 1063

Jesús María Garza - Population: 6225

Joaquín Miguel Gutiérrez - Population: 1522

Nuevo México - Population: 2938

Roblada Grande - Population: 1656

Villa Hidalgo - Population: 2447

Villaflores - Population: 35713

Map with the largest cities in the municipality of Villaflores